OVEREND'S MORLEY 1970-1979LESLIE OVEREND 20th ANNIVERSARY     leslie overend
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OVEREND's MORLEY 1974-1983

Overends Morley 1974-83

The third Overend's Morley was published in October 2014. Now priced at £6 (plus £2 p&p), it features thousands of people in 100 pictures taken by former Morley Observer photographer Leslie Overend during the last 10 years of his long career.


OVEREND's MORLEY 1970-1979


Overends Morley 1970-79

The book, priced at £6 (plus £2 p&p), features 100 black and white pictures of Morley people at work and play in the 1970s.

To order prints or books, please email your order and contact details to info@leslieoverend.com
and pay online into the Overend's Morley account:
Account No: 34535960; Sort Code: 30-98-75





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